“It’s All About the Guide”
According to a new whitepaper by nScreenMedia, the TV guide remains the tool most pay TV and free-to-air viewers rely on to find something to watch (nscreenmedia.com)
According to a new whitepaper by nScreenMedia, the TV guide remains the tool most pay TV and free-to-air viewers rely on to find something to watch (nscreenmedia.com)
“Accurate and intuitive content discovery should be at the heart of every broadcasting platform…” think 80% of TV shows watched on Netflix come from the platforms’ recommendations engine (ecommercetimes.com)
FetchTV merges VoD and Live broadcast on the same EPG grid, simulating a VoD offer in the form of a linear channel (tvblackbox)
Universal search and discovery breaks down the walls between TV providers making content more easily findable and watchable. (Digital TV Europe)
BeIN Media (which EPG is powered by Babeleye) is adding the three Fox entertainment channels launched in 2017 to its platform, which BeIN said would strengthen its position as a premium family entertainment platform for the region. (digitaltveurope)
Video service providers that improved personalization of their search and recommendations saw a 140 per cent increase in audience retention over six months and a notable reduction in churn. (Advanced television)
ZEE to roll out OTT video service, ZEE5, to over 190 countries; only international companies such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have a worldwide presence of this scale. (Nextv)
Cirrus will support video services that works across various devices, while the EPG and catch-up developed in collaboration with Babeleye and Plurimedia. (L.R)
Eutelsat Communications is launching Eutelsat CIRRUS OTT delivery solution, enabling broadcasters to offer a seamless content experience across multiple screens. (SVG News)